Tutorial on baseline and evaluation procedures

In the following, we give a short overview on how to use the dataset collection together with the graph kernel and GNN baselines and standardized evaluation methods. First, follow the instruction on github.com/chrsmrrs/tudataset to install the TUDataset Python package.

Throughout this tutorial, we assume that your base directory is tudataset/tud_benchmark/.

Kernel baselines and 10-CV using SVMs

We provide Python-wrapped C++ implementations of the following kernels:

  • Weisfeiler-Lehman subtree kernel (1-WL) [1],
  • Graphlet kernel (GR) [2],
  • Shortest-path kernel (SP) [3],
  • Weisfeiler-Lehman optimal assignment kernel (WL-OA) [4]

For the first three kernels, we provide, both, Gram matrix output (numpy.array, [n,n]) and sparse feature vector output (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, [n,d]).

Weisfeiler-Lehman subtree kernel

The following code will download the ENZYMES dataset, compute the 1-WL for 3 iterations using the discrete node labels of the dataset, and output the Gram matrix as a numpy.array. Since the dataset does not provide edge labels we set se_edge_labels = False.

import kernel_baselines as kb
import auxiliarymethods.datasets as dp

use_labels, use_edge_labels = True, False
dataset = "ENZYMES"

# Download dataset.
classes = dp.get_dataset(dataset)

iterations = 3
gram_matrix = kb.compute_wl_1_dense(dataset, iterations, use_labels, use_edge_labels)

Instead of computing the Gram matrix, we can skip its computation and output a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix feature vector for each graph by replacing the last line by

feature_vectors = kb.compute_wl_1_sparse(dataset, iterations, use_labels, use_edge_labels)

Graphlet kernel

Similarly, the Gram matrix for the Graphlet kernel can be computed by

gram_matrix = kb.compute_graphlet_dense(dataset, use_labels, use_edge_labels)

The sparse feature vectors can be computed by

feature_vectors = kb.compute_graphlet_sparse(dataset, use_labels, use_edge_labels)

Shortest-path kernel

The Gram matrix for the Shortest-path kernel can be computed by

gram_matrix = kb.compute_graphlet_dense(dataset, use_labels, use_edge_labels)

The sparse feature vectors can be computed by

feature_vectors = kb.compute_graphlet_sparse(dataset, use_labels, use_edge_labels)

Weisfeiler-Lehman optimal assignment kernel

The Gram matrix for the WL-OA kernel can be computed by

gram_matrix = kb.compute_wloa_dense(dataset, use_labels, use_edge_labels)

SVM evaluation

Here, we show how to jointly optimize the number of iterations of the 1-WL and the C parameter of the (dual) SVM using 10-CV. See the paper on details on the evaluation procedure.

The following code computes the 1-WL for 1 to 5 iterations, and applies cosine normalization. The number of iterations is then jointly optimized with the C parameter (C=[10**3, 10**2, 10** 1, 10**0, 10**-1, 10**-2, 10**-3]) using 10-CV. The experiment is repeated 10 times and the average accuracy, the standard deviations over all 10 10-CV runs and all 100 runs are output.

all_matrices = []
num_reps = 10

# 1-WL kernel, number of iterations in [1:6].
for i in range(1, 6):
    gm = kb.compute_wl_1_dense(dataset, i, use_labels, use_edge_labels)
    # Cosine normalization.
    gm = aux.normalize_gram_matrix(gm)

accuracy, std_10, std_100 = kernel_svm_evaluation(all_matrices, classes, num_repetitions=num_reps, all_std=True)

Similarly, we can do the same for sparse feature vectors using a linear SVM.

feature_vectors = []

# 1-WL feature vectors, number of iterations in [1:6].
for i in range(1, 6):
    fv = kb.compute_wl_1_sparse(dataset, i, use_labels, use_edge_labels)
    # \ell_2 normalization.
    fv = aux.normalize_feature_vector(fv)

accuracy, std_10, std_100 = linear_svm_evaluation(feature_vectors, classes, num_repetitions=num_reps, all_std=True)

See main_kernel.py for more examples.

GNNs baselines and 10-CV evaluation

Here, we show how to optimize the hyperparameters (number of layers in {1,2,3,4,5}, hidden dimension {32,64,128}) of the GIN layer [5] using 10-CV. We set the maximum number of epochs to 200, the batch size to 64, the starting learing rate to 0.01, and the number of repetitions of the 10-CV to 10.

import auxiliarymethods.datasets as dp
from auxiliarymethods.gnn_evaluation import gnn_evaluation
from gnn_baselines.gnn_architectures import GIN

dataset = "ENZYMES"

accuracy, std_10, std_100 = gnn_evaluation(GIN, dataset, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [32, 64, 128], max_num_epochs=200, batch_size=64, start_lr=0.01, num_repetitions=num_reps, all_std=True)

In case the dataset includes edge labels or (continuous) attributes you can use the GINE layer.

import auxiliarymethods.datasets as dp
from auxiliarymethods.gnn_evaluation import gnn_evaluation
from gnn_baselines.gnn_architectures import GINE

dataset = "Yeast"


accuracy, std_10, std_100 = gnn_evaluation(GINE, dataset, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [32, 64, 128], max_num_epochs=200, batch_size=64, start_lr=0.01, num_repetitions=num_reps, all_std=True)

See main_gnn.py for more examples. More compatible GNN layers are available from Pytorch Geometric.

Loading the graphs as NetworkX graphs

import auxiliarymethods.datasets as dp
from auxiliarymethods.reader import tud_to_networkx

dataset = "PROTEINS"
# Download dataset.
# Output dataset as a list of graphs.
graph_db = tud_to_networkx(dataset)

TODO: Add details on how to access label information.


[1] 1-WL kernel paper

[2] Graphlet kernel paper

[3] Shortest-path kernel paper

[4] WL-OA kernel paper

[5] GIN paper