Christopher Morris

I am a tenure-track assistant professor and DFG Emmy Noether fellow at RWTH Aachen University, where I lead the Learning on Graphs (LoG) group. Before joining RWTH, I was a postdoc at the Mila - Quebec AI Institute and McGill University in the group of Siamak Ravanbakhsh and a postdoc at Polytechnique Montréal in the group of Andrea Lodi. Before my Montréal stint, I was a PhD student at TU Dortmund University advised by Petra Mutzel and Kristian Kersting. In Aachen, I supervise four great PhD students Luis Müller, Chendi Qian, Antoine Siraudin, and Antonis Vasileiou.

We develop machine learning methods for graphs, networks, and relational data.

Our research combines techniques from machine learning, CS theory, and discrete mathematics and revolves around the following questions:

  1. How do we effectively capture the structure of graphs and networks in a data-driven manner?
  2. How can we ensure such methods generalize to unseen data?
  3. How can such methods make combinatorial algorithms faster in a data-driven manner?

For more details, please see my CV. You can also find me on Twitter and GitHub.

Fun Fact: My Erdős number is at most 3 (via Petra Mutzel → Bojan Mohar → P. Erdős)

Email: morris[ät]cs.rwth-aachen[dot]de

Currently, we do not accept interns.

Selected Publications (All)


WS 24/25   Seminar (Master): Transformer on Graphs
Seminar (Bachelor): Maschinelles Lernen mit Graphen
SS 24   Class (Bachelor+Master): Foundations and Applications of Machine Learning with Graphs
WS 23/24   Seminar (Master): Foundations of Supervised Machine Learning with Graphs
Seminar (Bachelor): Maschinelles Lernen mit Graphen
SS 23   Class (Master): Foundations and Applications of Machine Learning with Graphs
Seminar (Bachelor): Maschinelles Lernen mit Graphen
WS 22/23   Seminar (Master): Foundations of Supervised Machine Learning with Graphs
Seminar (Master): Machine Learning for Combinatorial Optimization